What does lawyer designation "S.C." Mean?
(too old to reply)
2011-12-24 11:40:00 UTC
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.

What does the S.C. mean? And how does it differ from other

All I can think of is "Special Counsel". But I think that's reserved
for government work and wouldn't apply in the practice of
Injury/Accident attorneys, which is the specific example I see used

Mike Easter
2011-12-24 12:44:55 UTC
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean? And how does it differ from other
All I can think of is "Special Counsel". But I think that's reserved
for government work and wouldn't apply in the practice of
Injury/Accident attorneys, which is the specific example I see used
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.

Here's what QC and SC means after barristers' names in Australia
http://www.philippedoylegray.com/content/view/33/27/ QC is short for
“Queen’s Counsel” and SC is short for “Senior Counsel”. “Counsel” is the
name for a lawyer who pleads cases in Court. So, Queen’s Counsel is the
Queen’s lawyer who pleads cases in Court, and Senior Counsel is a senior
lawyer who pleads cases in Court.

And then goes on to say: "According to the NSW Bar Association’s
selection protocol, Senior counsel must: ..."

... to describe the New South Wales protocol.
Mike Easter
2011-12-26 02:07:49 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean? And how does it differ from other
All I can think of is "Special Counsel". But I think that's reserved
for government work and wouldn't apply in the practice of
Injury/Accident attorneys, which is the specific example I see used
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.

Lets take, oh, William Shatner for example:


2011-12-27 07:32:04 UTC
Post by Sqwertz
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean? And how does it differ from other
All I can think of is "Special Counsel". But I think that's
reserved for government work and wouldn't apply in the practice of
Injury/Accident attorneys, which is the specific example I see used
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.
Specialty Certified
2018-06-04 14:59:34 UTC
Post by ChairMan
Post by Sqwertz
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean? And how does it differ from other
All I can think of is "Special Counsel". But I think that's
reserved for government work and wouldn't apply in the practice of
Injury/Accident attorneys, which is the specific example I see used
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.
Specialty Certified
FUCK YEA WISCONSIN, Hupy and Abraham, and One Call That's All- David Gruber! I am actually changing out a law firm's name at a building we own, and thought it was weird one law firm was L.L.P and one was S.C. The LLP really has nothing to do with law, just thought it was weird.
Mike Easter
2011-12-27 08:36:22 UTC
Post by Sqwertz
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean?
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.
Westmont Law Offices, S.C.
You may have noticed the “S.C.” in our firm name. It means Service
Corporation, and it indicates that we are a corporation organized under
a special part of Wisconsin’s corporation laws for use only by
professionals, such as doctors, dentists, accountants, lawyers, and
others who provide professional services.

and lots more on that page, such as 'The Supreme Court of Wisconsin,
which makes the rules that regulate all lawyers in this state, recently
established certain rules for all law firms that are service
corporations (and some other kinds of law firms, too). We are pleased to
let you know we have complied with all of the rules.'
Mike Easter
2012-01-18 15:26:50 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean?
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.
Westmont Law Offices, S.C.
You may have noticed the “S.C.” in our firm name. It means Service
Corporation, and it indicates that we are a corporation organized under
a special part of Wisconsin’s corporation laws for use only by
professionals, such as doctors, dentists, accountants, lawyers, and
others who provide professional services.
and lots more on that page, such as 'The Supreme Court of Wisconsin,
which makes the rules that regulate all lawyers in this state, recently
established certain rules for all law firms that are service
corporations (and some other kinds of law firms, too). We are pleased to
let you know we have complied with all of the rules.'
Ahh, so it's a Wisconsin thing. Thank you :-)

2020-01-16 15:29:15 UTC
Post by Mike Easter
Post by Sqwertz
Attorney Joe Blow, S.C.
Law firm of Boy, Dewey, Screwum, S.C.
What does the S.C. mean? And how does it differ from other
All I can think of is "Special Counsel". But I think that's reserved
for government work and wouldn't apply in the practice of
Injury/Accident attorneys, which is the specific example I see used
You forgot to mention what country's law practices you were talking about.
Here's what QC and SC means after barristers' names in Australia
http://www.philippedoylegray.com/content/view/33/27/ QC is short for
“Queen’s Counsel” and SC is short for “Senior Counsel”. “Counsel” is the
name for a lawyer who pleads cases in Court. So, Queen’s Counsel is the
Queen’s lawyer who pleads cases in Court, and Senior Counsel is a senior
lawyer who pleads cases in Court.
And then goes on to say: "According to the NSW Bar Association’s
selection protocol, Senior counsel must: ..."
... to describe the New South Wales protocol.
Mike Easter