James Corden and Stephen Colbert are assholes that needed to be fired from CBS
(too old to reply)
2022-05-27 05:44:50 UTC
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in America After
Uvalde Fatal Shooting
Aceshowbiz Team
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are left
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing in on the
incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Robb
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night hosts urged gun
control reform in America.

In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show with James
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When I drop my kids off at
school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross your mind that
that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "The thought of that phone
call-that your child is the victim of a mass shooting-is beyond
comprehension as a human being."

"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, the trauma of the
survivors and for the future these kids will never see," the English native
further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking frustration over
"the number of people who must think this is an OK byproduct to never make
meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It doesn't make sense to me. It
doesn't reflect the country that I think America is."

Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedian acknowledged
that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of technology, of innovation."
Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue of gun violence, he said "America
is one of the most backward places in the world."

"This year, there have been no school shootings in England. This year,
there have been no school shootings in Japan," the actor/singer continued.
"This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America and 212 mass
shootings and we are just five months into the year."

"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, but I fear
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold out hope that this
country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gun culture,
while my heart simply goes out to every single person in Texas tonight."

As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue on "The Late Show
with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of an unspeakable shooting in
Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for the dead... There
is nothing that can ever be said that can approach the immeasurable grief
of those families. But, while we're at it, let's pray this time that our
leaders show a modicum of courage in trying to prevent this from ever
happening again."

Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-old pointed out,
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When you vote, ask yourself this
question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated that they're
willing to do anything and everything in their power to protect your
children from the criminally insane number of guns in America?' "
Bucky Breeder
2022-05-27 16:14:07 UTC
Post by @apple.com>
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in America
After Uvalde Fatal Shooting
Aceshowbiz Team
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are left
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing in on
the incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Robb
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night hosts urged gun
control reform in America.
In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show with James
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When I drop my kids off
at school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross your mind
that that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "The thought of
that phone call-that your child is the victim of a mass shooting-is
beyond comprehension as a human being."
"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, the trauma of the
survivors and for the future these kids will never see," the English
native further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking
frustration over "the number of people who must think this is an OK
byproduct to never make meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It
doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't reflect the country that I think
America is."
Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedian
acknowledged that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of technology,
of innovation." Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue of gun
violence, he said "America is one of the most backward places in the
"This year, there have been no school shootings in England. This year,
there have been no school shootings in Japan," the actor/singer
continued. "This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America
and 212 mass shootings and we are just five months into the year."
"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, but I fear
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold out hope that this
country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gun culture,
while my heart simply goes out to every single person in Texas tonight."
As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue on "The Late
Show with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of an unspeakable
shooting in Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for
the dead... There is nothing that can ever be said that can approach the
immeasurable grief of those families. But, while we're at it, let's pray
this time that our leaders show a modicum of courage in trying to
prevent this from ever happening again."
Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-old pointed out,
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When you vote, ask yourself
this question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated that
they're willing to do anything and everything in their power to protect
your children from the criminally insane number of guns in America?' "
If it were not for bizarre screwed-up logic there would be no such thing as
Democrats and Liberals.

Something in the range of ~120-million firearm owners in the USA yet every
time some nutcase goes beserk, Libtards want to legislate away the Second
Amendment - or more severely regulate it.

CHICAGO is case in point for this type of reasoning.

They have some of the strictest firearms laws in the USA and yet more
people are killed there every day than in Uvalde on Tuesday, May 24th.

The only thing "guns laws" ever do is make it more difficult and expensive
for law abiding citizens to obtain and maintain firearms - BECAUSE

In this case [Uvalde, TX; Robb Elementary School], as is in the case of
EVERY previous mass-shooting in schools since Columbine, *IF* the school
had been secured properly, this event could have *NEVER* happened as it

The protocol is simple: At the start of the school day, have teachers,
trained staff, or guards stand-by a limited number of entrances until the
first bell rings.

They have radios/panic-buttons/firearms - whatever is appropriate - and
they stop, challenge, and check any anomoly.

until the end of the school day.

During the school day, to ingress or egress the school grounds/building,
people must navigate a single, main, doorway - preferably with surveilance
cameras - to a SECURED desk/counter where a secretary/clerk identifies the
person and obtains the legitimatacy of their being there. Just like the
bank, doctor's office, or police station. Initial ingress is limited to
the secured reception area.

THEN AND ONLY THEN, after properly being identified, is that person buzzed
through; or, whomever they wish to speak with is buzzed out into the entry

Relatively inexpensive and just that simple. That would have prevented
nearly every mass shooting in US schools - at least since Sandy Hill.

Then you've got the otherwise "legitimate" student who sneaks a small
firearm into the campus...

EVERY TIME that is a deeply disturbed individual who should have been
tagged, indentified, and contained somehow by school officials, mental
health officials, and/or law enforcement! What we get are apoligist
lamentations "We couldn't legally do anything" or "The officers had to hang
out and wait for backup" or some lame excuse for being incompetent. In two
of the more prominent cases A PARENT provided the disturbed individual with
the lethal firearms!

This is NOT about 'GUN LAWS'... This is about 'MENTALLY DISTURBED PEOPLE

Too much political complacency contributed to this tragedy. Too much
political sophistry is bound to further exacerbate and obfuscate the
problem... Where were the School Resource Officers? Where were the trained
and armed teachers and/or staff? Why were the entry points open and
unguarded? Why weren't there metal detectors?

This was an 18-year old who didn't graduate from high school, who didn't
have a job, who lived with his grandmother because "he couldn't get along
with his mother"... And someone is going to say this kid didn't have an
extensive past pattern of abnormal behavior? Now, EVERYONE has to endure
more laws, regulations, expenses to exercise our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS???

Think about it: Something in the neighborhood of 120-million LEGAL firearm
owners in the USA and EVERY TIME there's a mass shooting, it's a mentally
disturbed person who slipped through the legal cracks... EVERY TIME!

Also, IF that kid could not have accessed a firearm, he had a vehicle, a
large black pickup truck, and it's only a step away (in mentally disturbed
people's heads) to lurk around congested public places, pick his moment,
and drive that vehicle into a defenseless crowd... Which has been done
several times in recent history. The shooter could have just as easily
driven his truck through a playground fence to act out his mentally
deranged thought processes.

But you don't see and hear Democrats along with media and Hollywood

You don't see Liberals and Democrats squawking for MORE MANDATORY MENTAL

You want to know WHY? Simple: We've all seen the recent activity involving
gangs of thugs - with and without firearms - identifying themselves as
'Black Lives Matter (BLM)' or 'Antifa'... Mostly using clubs, bats, pipes,
bicycle locks, fire bombs, bricks, frozen water bottles, etc. as weapons.

They certainly don't want legally armed citizens standing in their way to
absolute power and control.

NOT "suddenly" happen or commence from a vacuum. This was the culmination
of a pattern of behavior which should have been identified, isolated, and
contained - likely many years ago.

What we ALL need is more common sense and way less hysterical sophistry
that has the ultimate objective of disarming the people so an oppressive
central government can reign supreme.
I AM Bucky Breeder, (*(^;

And *NO*, that is *NOT* a Jedi Light Saber I have in my pocket!

But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm happy to see you either.
2022-05-27 19:00:25 UTC
Post by Bucky Breeder
Post by @apple.com>
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in America
After Uvalde Fatal Shooting
Aceshowbiz Team
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are left
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing in on
the incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Robb
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night hosts urged gun
control reform in America.
In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show with James
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When I drop my kids off
at school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross your mind
that that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "The thought of
that phone call-that your child is the victim of a mass shooting-is
beyond comprehension as a human being."
"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, the trauma of the
survivors and for the future these kids will never see," the English
native further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking
frustration over "the number of people who must think this is an OK
byproduct to never make meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It
doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't reflect the country that I think
America is."
Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedian
acknowledged that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of technology,
of innovation." Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue of gun
violence, he said "America is one of the most backward places in the
"This year, there have been no school shootings in England. This year,
there have been no school shootings in Japan," the actor/singer
continued. "This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America
and 212 mass shootings and we are just five months into the year."
"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, but I fear
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold out hope that this
country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gun culture,
while my heart simply goes out to every single person in Texas tonight."
As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue on "The Late
Show with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of an unspeakable
shooting in Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for
the dead... There is nothing that can ever be said that can approach the
immeasurable grief of those families. But, while we're at it, let's pray
this time that our leaders show a modicum of courage in trying to
prevent this from ever happening again."
Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-old pointed out,
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When you vote, ask yourself
this question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated that
they're willing to do anything and everything in their power to protect
your children from the criminally insane number of guns in America?' "
If it were not for bizarre screwed-up logic there would be no such thing as
Democrats and Liberals.
Something in the range of ~120-million firearm owners in the USA yet every
time some nutcase goes beserk, Libtards want to legislate away the Second
Amendment - or more severely regulate it.
CHICAGO is case in point for this type of reasoning.
They have some of the strictest firearms laws in the USA and yet more
people are killed there every day than in Uvalde on Tuesday, May 24th.
The only thing "guns laws" ever do is make it more difficult and expensive
for law abiding citizens to obtain and maintain firearms - BECAUSE
In this case [Uvalde, TX; Robb Elementary School], as is in the case of
EVERY previous mass-shooting in schools since Columbine, *IF* the school
had been secured properly, this event could have *NEVER* happened as it
The protocol is simple: At the start of the school day, have teachers,
trained staff, or guards stand-by a limited number of entrances until the
first bell rings.
They have radios/panic-buttons/firearms - whatever is appropriate - and
they stop, challenge, and check any anomoly.
until the end of the school day.
During the school day, to ingress or egress the school grounds/building,
people must navigate a single, main, doorway - preferably with surveilance
cameras - to a SECURED desk/counter where a secretary/clerk identifies the
person and obtains the legitimatacy of their being there. Just like the
bank, doctor's office, or police station. Initial ingress is limited to
the secured reception area.
THEN AND ONLY THEN, after properly being identified, is that person buzzed
through; or, whomever they wish to speak with is buzzed out into the entry
Relatively inexpensive and just that simple. That would have prevented
nearly every mass shooting in US schools - at least since Sandy Hill.
Then you've got the otherwise "legitimate" student who sneaks a small
firearm into the campus...
EVERY TIME that is a deeply disturbed individual who should have been
tagged, indentified, and contained somehow by school officials, mental
health officials, and/or law enforcement! What we get are apoligist
lamentations "We couldn't legally do anything" or "The officers had to hang
out and wait for backup" or some lame excuse for being incompetent. In two
of the more prominent cases A PARENT provided the disturbed individual with
the lethal firearms!
This is NOT about 'GUN LAWS'... This is about 'MENTALLY DISTURBED PEOPLE
Too much political complacency contributed to this tragedy. Too much
political sophistry is bound to further exacerbate and obfuscate the
problem... Where were the School Resource Officers? Where were the trained
and armed teachers and/or staff? Why were the entry points open and
unguarded? Why weren't there metal detectors?
This was an 18-year old who didn't graduate from high school, who didn't
have a job, who lived with his grandmother because "he couldn't get along
with his mother"... And someone is going to say this kid didn't have an
extensive past pattern of abnormal behavior? Now, EVERYONE has to endure
more laws, regulations, expenses to exercise our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS???
Think about it: Something in the neighborhood of 120-million LEGAL firearm
owners in the USA and EVERY TIME there's a mass shooting, it's a mentally
disturbed person who slipped through the legal cracks... EVERY TIME!
Also, IF that kid could not have accessed a firearm, he had a vehicle, a
large black pickup truck, and it's only a step away (in mentally disturbed
people's heads) to lurk around congested public places, pick his moment,
and drive that vehicle into a defenseless crowd... Which has been done
several times in recent history. The shooter could have just as easily
driven his truck through a playground fence to act out his mentally
deranged thought processes.
But you don't see and hear Democrats along with media and Hollywood
You don't see Liberals and Democrats squawking for MORE MANDATORY MENTAL
You want to know WHY? Simple: We've all seen the recent activity involving
gangs of thugs - with and without firearms - identifying themselves as
'Black Lives Matter (BLM)' or 'Antifa'... Mostly using clubs, bats, pipes,
bicycle locks, fire bombs, bricks, frozen water bottles, etc. as weapons.
They certainly don't want legally armed citizens standing in their way to
absolute power and control.
NOT "suddenly" happen or commence from a vacuum. This was the culmination
of a pattern of behavior which should have been identified, isolated, and
contained - likely many years ago.
What we ALL need is more common sense and way less hysterical sophistry
that has the ultimate objective of disarming the people so an oppressive
central government can reign supreme.
if you don't have something to shoot you don't need a gun
Bucky Breeder
2022-05-28 15:44:44 UTC
Post by %
Post by Bucky Breeder
Post by @apple.com>
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in America
After Uvalde Fatal Shooting
Aceshowbiz Team
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are left
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing in on
the incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Robb
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night hosts urged
gun control reform in America.
In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show with James
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When I drop my kids
off at school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross
your mind that that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "The
thought of that phone call-that your child is the victim of a mass
shooting-is beyond comprehension as a human being."
"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, the trauma of
the survivors and for the future these kids will never see," the
English native further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking
frustration over "the number of people who must think this is an OK
byproduct to never make meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It
doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't reflect the country that I think
America is."
Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedian
acknowledged that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of
technology, of innovation." Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue
of gun violence, he said "America is one of the most backward places
in the world."
"This year, there have been no school shootings in England. This year,
there have been no school shootings in Japan," the actor/singer
continued. "This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America
and 212 mass shootings and we are just five months into the year."
"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, but I fear
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold out hope that
this country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gun
culture, while my heart simply goes out to every single person in
Texas tonight."
As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue on "The Late
Show with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of an unspeakable
shooting in Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for
the dead... There is nothing that can ever be said that can approach
the immeasurable grief of those families. But, while we're at it,
let's pray this time that our leaders show a modicum of courage in
trying to prevent this from ever happening again."
Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-old pointed out,
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When you vote, ask yourself
this question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated that
they're willing to do anything and everything in their power to
protect your children from the criminally insane number of guns in
America?' "
If it were not for bizarre screwed-up logic there would be no such
thing as Democrats and Liberals.
Something in the range of ~120-million firearm owners in the USA yet
every time some nutcase goes beserk, Libtards want to legislate away
the Second Amendment - or more severely regulate it.
CHICAGO is case in point for this type of reasoning.
They have some of the strictest firearms laws in the USA and yet more
people are killed there every day than in Uvalde on Tuesday, May 24th.
The only thing "guns laws" ever do is make it more difficult and
expensive for law abiding citizens to obtain and maintain firearms -
In this case [Uvalde, TX; Robb Elementary School], as is in the case of
EVERY previous mass-shooting in schools since Columbine, *IF* the
school had been secured properly, this event could have *NEVER*
happened as it did.
The protocol is simple: At the start of the school day, have teachers,
trained staff, or guards stand-by a limited number of entrances until
the first bell rings.
They have radios/panic-buttons/firearms - whatever is appropriate - and
they stop, challenge, and check any anomoly.
until the end of the school day.
During the school day, to ingress or egress the school
grounds/building, people must navigate a single, main, doorway -
preferably with surveilance cameras - to a SECURED desk/counter where a
secretary/clerk identifies the person and obtains the legitimatacy of
their being there. Just like the bank, doctor's office, or police
station. Initial ingress is limited to the secured reception area.
THEN AND ONLY THEN, after properly being identified, is that person
buzzed through; or, whomever they wish to speak with is buzzed out into
the entry area.
Relatively inexpensive and just that simple. That would have prevented
nearly every mass shooting in US schools - at least since Sandy Hill.
Then you've got the otherwise "legitimate" student who sneaks a small
firearm into the campus...
EVERY TIME that is a deeply disturbed individual who should have been
tagged, indentified, and contained somehow by school officials, mental
health officials, and/or law enforcement! What we get are apoligist
lamentations "We couldn't legally do anything" or "The officers had to
hang out and wait for backup" or some lame excuse for being
incompetent. In two of the more prominent cases A PARENT provided the
disturbed individual with the lethal firearms!
This is NOT about 'GUN LAWS'... This is about 'MENTALLY DISTURBED
Too much political complacency contributed to this tragedy. Too much
political sophistry is bound to further exacerbate and obfuscate the
problem... Where were the School Resource Officers? Where were the
trained and armed teachers and/or staff? Why were the entry points
open and unguarded? Why weren't there metal detectors?
This was an 18-year old who didn't graduate from high school, who
didn't have a job, who lived with his grandmother because "he couldn't
get along with his mother"... And someone is going to say this kid
didn't have an extensive past pattern of abnormal behavior? Now,
EVERYONE has to endure more laws, regulations, expenses to exercise our
2nd Amendment RIGHTS???
Think about it: Something in the neighborhood of 120-million LEGAL
firearm owners in the USA and EVERY TIME there's a mass shooting, it's
a mentally disturbed person who slipped through the legal cracks...
Also, IF that kid could not have accessed a firearm, he had a vehicle,
a large black pickup truck, and it's only a step away (in mentally
disturbed people's heads) to lurk around congested public places, pick
his moment, and drive that vehicle into a defenseless crowd... Which
has been done several times in recent history. The shooter could have
just as easily driven his truck through a playground fence to act out
his mentally deranged thought processes.
But you don't see and hear Democrats along with media and Hollywood
You don't see Liberals and Democrats squawking for MORE MANDATORY
You want to know WHY? Simple: We've all seen the recent activity
involving gangs of thugs - with and without firearms - identifying
themselves as 'Black Lives Matter (BLM)' or 'Antifa'... Mostly using
clubs, bats, pipes, bicycle locks, fire bombs, bricks, frozen water
bottles, etc. as weapons.
They certainly don't want legally armed citizens standing in their way
to absolute power and control.
things DO NOT "suddenly" happen or commence from a vacuum. This was
the culmination of a pattern of behavior which should have been
identified, isolated, and contained - likely many years ago.
What we ALL need is more common sense and way less hysterical sophistry
that has the ultimate objective of disarming the people so an
oppressive central government can reign supreme.
if you don't have something to shoot you don't need a gun
Congratulations. *That* is a perfect example of sophistry.

The prevailing argument would be "It's better to have a gun and not need a
gun than it is to need a gun and to not have gun."

Case in point was all those Liberal Snowflakes teaching at Ross Elementary
School in Uvala, Texas on Tuesday, May 24th, 2022.

"Violence is *NOT* the answer"... *IF* you want to end up a victim of
violence. That is the lesson to be learned here!

The best answer to mass school shootings in our times is to issue every
school-aged child an assault rifle and teach them how to competently use
it; then require them to carry a loaded weapon to school with them every
day. The next time a deranged evil crazy person charges into a school
house armed and shooting, he'll be met with a hail of gunfire from
EVERYBODY in the building --- and *THAT* will put an end to the ideation
that children are easy targets for deranged people.

Same goes for churches.

Can I get an "Amen" from the faithful?
I AM Bucky Breeder, (*(^;

And *NO*, that is *NOT* a Jedi Light Saber I have in my pocket!

But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm happy to see you either.
2022-05-28 18:55:43 UTC
Post by Bucky Breeder
Post by %
Post by Bucky Breeder
Post by @apple.com>
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in America
After Uvalde Fatal Shooting
Aceshowbiz Team
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are left
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing in on
the incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Robb
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night hosts urged
gun control reform in America.
In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show with James
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When I drop my kids
off at school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross
your mind that that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "The
thought of that phone call-that your child is the victim of a mass
shooting-is beyond comprehension as a human being."
"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, the trauma of
the survivors and for the future these kids will never see," the
English native further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking
frustration over "the number of people who must think this is an OK
byproduct to never make meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It
doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't reflect the country that I think
America is."
Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedian
acknowledged that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of
technology, of innovation." Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue
of gun violence, he said "America is one of the most backward places
in the world."
"This year, there have been no school shootings in England. This year,
there have been no school shootings in Japan," the actor/singer
continued. "This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America
and 212 mass shootings and we are just five months into the year."
"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, but I fear
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold out hope that
this country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gun
culture, while my heart simply goes out to every single person in
Texas tonight."
As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue on "The Late
Show with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of an unspeakable
shooting in Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for
the dead... There is nothing that can ever be said that can approach
the immeasurable grief of those families. But, while we're at it,
let's pray this time that our leaders show a modicum of courage in
trying to prevent this from ever happening again."
Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-old pointed out,
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When you vote, ask yourself
this question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated that
they're willing to do anything and everything in their power to
protect your children from the criminally insane number of guns in
America?' "
If it were not for bizarre screwed-up logic there would be no such
thing as Democrats and Liberals.
Something in the range of ~120-million firearm owners in the USA yet
every time some nutcase goes beserk, Libtards want to legislate away
the Second Amendment - or more severely regulate it.
CHICAGO is case in point for this type of reasoning.
They have some of the strictest firearms laws in the USA and yet more
people are killed there every day than in Uvalde on Tuesday, May 24th.
The only thing "guns laws" ever do is make it more difficult and
expensive for law abiding citizens to obtain and maintain firearms -
In this case [Uvalde, TX; Robb Elementary School], as is in the case of
EVERY previous mass-shooting in schools since Columbine, *IF* the
school had been secured properly, this event could have *NEVER*
happened as it did.
The protocol is simple: At the start of the school day, have teachers,
trained staff, or guards stand-by a limited number of entrances until
the first bell rings.
They have radios/panic-buttons/firearms - whatever is appropriate - and
they stop, challenge, and check any anomoly.
until the end of the school day.
During the school day, to ingress or egress the school
grounds/building, people must navigate a single, main, doorway -
preferably with surveilance cameras - to a SECURED desk/counter where a
secretary/clerk identifies the person and obtains the legitimatacy of
their being there. Just like the bank, doctor's office, or police
station. Initial ingress is limited to the secured reception area.
THEN AND ONLY THEN, after properly being identified, is that person
buzzed through; or, whomever they wish to speak with is buzzed out into
the entry area.
Relatively inexpensive and just that simple. That would have prevented
nearly every mass shooting in US schools - at least since Sandy Hill.
Then you've got the otherwise "legitimate" student who sneaks a small
firearm into the campus...
EVERY TIME that is a deeply disturbed individual who should have been
tagged, indentified, and contained somehow by school officials, mental
health officials, and/or law enforcement! What we get are apoligist
lamentations "We couldn't legally do anything" or "The officers had to
hang out and wait for backup" or some lame excuse for being
incompetent. In two of the more prominent cases A PARENT provided the
disturbed individual with the lethal firearms!
This is NOT about 'GUN LAWS'... This is about 'MENTALLY DISTURBED
Too much political complacency contributed to this tragedy. Too much
political sophistry is bound to further exacerbate and obfuscate the
problem... Where were the School Resource Officers? Where were the
trained and armed teachers and/or staff? Why were the entry points
open and unguarded? Why weren't there metal detectors?
This was an 18-year old who didn't graduate from high school, who
didn't have a job, who lived with his grandmother because "he couldn't
get along with his mother"... And someone is going to say this kid
didn't have an extensive past pattern of abnormal behavior? Now,
EVERYONE has to endure more laws, regulations, expenses to exercise our
2nd Amendment RIGHTS???
Think about it: Something in the neighborhood of 120-million LEGAL
firearm owners in the USA and EVERY TIME there's a mass shooting, it's
a mentally disturbed person who slipped through the legal cracks...
Also, IF that kid could not have accessed a firearm, he had a vehicle,
a large black pickup truck, and it's only a step away (in mentally
disturbed people's heads) to lurk around congested public places, pick
his moment, and drive that vehicle into a defenseless crowd... Which
has been done several times in recent history. The shooter could have
just as easily driven his truck through a playground fence to act out
his mentally deranged thought processes.
But you don't see and hear Democrats along with media and Hollywood
You don't see Liberals and Democrats squawking for MORE MANDATORY
You want to know WHY? Simple: We've all seen the recent activity
involving gangs of thugs - with and without firearms - identifying
themselves as 'Black Lives Matter (BLM)' or 'Antifa'... Mostly using
clubs, bats, pipes, bicycle locks, fire bombs, bricks, frozen water
bottles, etc. as weapons.
They certainly don't want legally armed citizens standing in their way
to absolute power and control.
things DO NOT "suddenly" happen or commence from a vacuum. This was
the culmination of a pattern of behavior which should have been
identified, isolated, and contained - likely many years ago.
What we ALL need is more common sense and way less hysterical sophistry
that has the ultimate objective of disarming the people so an
oppressive central government can reign supreme.
if you don't have something to shoot you don't need a gun
Congratulations. *That* is a perfect example of sophistry.
The prevailing argument would be "It's better to have a gun and not need a
gun than it is to need a gun and to not have gun."
Case in point was all those Liberal Snowflakes teaching at Ross Elementary
School in Uvala, Texas on Tuesday, May 24th, 2022.
"Violence is *NOT* the answer"... *IF* you want to end up a victim of
violence. That is the lesson to be learned here!
The best answer to mass school shootings in our times is to issue every
school-aged child an assault rifle and teach them how to competently use
it; then require them to carry a loaded weapon to school with them every
day. The next time a deranged evil crazy person charges into a school
house armed and shooting, he'll be met with a hail of gunfire from
EVERYBODY in the building --- and *THAT* will put an end to the ideation
that children are easy targets for deranged people.
Same goes for churches.
Can I get an "Amen" from the faithful?
you never named anything you would need to shoot you have no need for a gun
Bucky Breeder
2022-05-29 14:10:09 UTC
Post by %
you never named anything you would need to shoot you have no need for a gun
Hmmm... Yeah... Those are some words from a keyboard. Gettin' worried you
might hurt yourself or someone else.

So, do we outlaw or regulate ALL keyboards? Perhaps we should criminalize
certain words or grammar styles?

Asking for a friend who's a US Congresswoman from Colorado.
I AM Bucky Breeder, (*(^;

And *NO*, that is *NOT* a Jedi Light Saber I have in my pocket!

But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm happy to see you either.
2022-05-27 19:01:26 UTC
Post by Bucky Breeder
Post by @apple.com>
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in America
After Uvalde Fatal Shooting
Aceshowbiz Team
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are left
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing in on
the incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Robb
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night hosts urged gun
control reform in America.
In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show with James
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When I drop my kids off
at school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross your mind
that that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "The thought of
that phone call-that your child is the victim of a mass shooting-is
beyond comprehension as a human being."
"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, the trauma of the
survivors and for the future these kids will never see," the English
native further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking
frustration over "the number of people who must think this is an OK
byproduct to never make meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It
doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't reflect the country that I think
America is."
Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedian
acknowledged that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of technology,
of innovation." Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue of gun
violence, he said "America is one of the most backward places in the
"This year, there have been no school shootings in England. This year,
there have been no school shootings in Japan," the actor/singer
continued. "This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America
and 212 mass shootings and we are just five months into the year."
"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, but I fear
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold out hope that this
country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gun culture,
while my heart simply goes out to every single person in Texas tonight."
As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue on "The Late
Show with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of an unspeakable
shooting in Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for
the dead... There is nothing that can ever be said that can approach the
immeasurable grief of those families. But, while we're at it, let's pray
this time that our leaders show a modicum of courage in trying to
prevent this from ever happening again."
Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-old pointed out,
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When you vote, ask yourself
this question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated that
they're willing to do anything and everything in their power to protect
your children from the criminally insane number of guns in America?' "
If it were not for bizarre screwed-up logic there would be no such thing as
Democrats and Liberals.
Something in the range of ~120-million firearm owners in the USA yet every
time some nutcase goes beserk, Libtards want to legislate away the Second
Amendment - or more severely regulate it.
CHICAGO is case in point for this type of reasoning.
They have some of the strictest firearms laws in the USA and yet more
people are killed there every day than in Uvalde on Tuesday, May 24th.
The only thing "guns laws" ever do is make it more difficult and expensive
for law abiding citizens to obtain and maintain firearms - BECAUSE
In this case [Uvalde, TX; Robb Elementary School], as is in the case of
EVERY previous mass-shooting in schools since Columbine, *IF* the school
had been secured properly, this event could have *NEVER* happened as it
The protocol is simple: At the start of the school day, have teachers,
trained staff, or guards stand-by a limited number of entrances until the
first bell rings.
They have radios/panic-buttons/firearms - whatever is appropriate - and
they stop, challenge, and check any anomoly.
until the end of the school day.
During the school day, to ingress or egress the school grounds/building,
people must navigate a single, main, doorway - preferably with surveilance
cameras - to a SECURED desk/counter where a secretary/clerk identifies the
person and obtains the legitimatacy of their being there. Just like the
bank, doctor's office, or police station. Initial ingress is limited to
the secured reception area.
THEN AND ONLY THEN, after properly being identified, is that person buzzed
through; or, whomever they wish to speak with is buzzed out into the entry
Relatively inexpensive and just that simple. That would have prevented
nearly every mass shooting in US schools - at least since Sandy Hill.
Then you've got the otherwise "legitimate" student who sneaks a small
firearm into the campus...
EVERY TIME that is a deeply disturbed individual who should have been
tagged, indentified, and contained somehow by school officials, mental
health officials, and/or law enforcement! What we get are apoligist
lamentations "We couldn't legally do anything" or "The officers had to hang
out and wait for backup" or some lame excuse for being incompetent. In two
of the more prominent cases A PARENT provided the disturbed individual with
the lethal firearms!
This is NOT about 'GUN LAWS'... This is about 'MENTALLY DISTURBED PEOPLE
Too much political complacency contributed to this tragedy. Too much
political sophistry is bound to further exacerbate and obfuscate the
problem... Where were the School Resource Officers? Where were the trained
and armed teachers and/or staff? Why were the entry points open and
unguarded? Why weren't there metal detectors?
This was an 18-year old who didn't graduate from high school, who didn't
have a job, who lived with his grandmother because "he couldn't get along
with his mother"... And someone is going to say this kid didn't have an
extensive past pattern of abnormal behavior? Now, EVERYONE has to endure
more laws, regulations, expenses to exercise our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS???
Think about it: Something in the neighborhood of 120-million LEGAL firearm
owners in the USA and EVERY TIME there's a mass shooting, it's a mentally
disturbed person who slipped through the legal cracks... EVERY TIME!
Also, IF that kid could not have accessed a firearm, he had a vehicle, a
large black pickup truck, and it's only a step away (in mentally disturbed
people's heads) to lurk around congested public places, pick his moment,
and drive that vehicle into a defenseless crowd... Which has been done
several times in recent history. The shooter could have just as easily
driven his truck through a playground fence to act out his mentally
deranged thought processes.
But you don't see and hear Democrats along with media and Hollywood
You don't see Liberals and Democrats squawking for MORE MANDATORY MENTAL
You want to know WHY? Simple: We've all seen the recent activity involving
gangs of thugs - with and without firearms - identifying themselves as
'Black Lives Matter (BLM)' or 'Antifa'... Mostly using clubs, bats, pipes,
bicycle locks, fire bombs, bricks, frozen water bottles, etc. as weapons.
They certainly don't want legally armed citizens standing in their way to
absolute power and control.
NOT "suddenly" happen or commence from a vacuum. This was the culmination
of a pattern of behavior which should have been identified, isolated, and
contained - likely many years ago.
What we ALL need is more common sense and way less hysterical sophistry
that has the ultimate objective of disarming the people so an oppressive
central government can reign supreme.
if you don't have something to shoot you don't need a gun
2022-05-28 15:50:04 UTC
Post by %
if you don't have something to shoot you don't need a gun
I can kill with my Jedi mind powers.

(Or, "If you don't have a gun you can't shoot back at someone who is shooting
at you.")
Bucky Breeder
2022-05-29 14:15:23 UTC
Post by Gladiator
Post by %
if you don't have something to shoot you don't need a gun
I can kill with my Jedi mind powers.
(Or, "If you don't have a gun you can't shoot back at someone who is
shooting at you.")
Jedi mind powers are ILLEGAL under the US Patriot Act. Especially if you
use them at local School Board Meetings. DHS will arrest you with a FISA
warrant and put you on several lists. They could lose track of you for
years before you ever get to call a lawyer.


Hope this hleps.
I AM Bucky Breeder, (*(^;

And *NO*, that is *NOT* a Jedi Light Saber I have in my pocket!

But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm happy to see you either.
2022-12-24 03:29:58 UTC
Post by @apple.com>
James Corden and Stephen Colbert Urge Gun Control Reform in Americ
Post by @apple.com>
Uvalde Fatal Shootin
Aceshowbiz Tea
James Corden and Stephen Colbert are among celebrities who are lef
devastated by the fatal shooting in Uvalde, Texas. When weighing i
on th
Post by @apple.com>
incident that killed at least 19 children and three adults at Rob
Elementary School on Tuesday, May 24, the two late-night host
urged gu
Post by @apple.com>
control reform in America
In a re-recorded opening monologue of "The Late Late Show wit
Post by @apple.com>
Corden", James, who is a father of three, said, "When
drop my kids off a
Post by @apple.com>
school this morning and kiss them goodbye, it doesn't cross you
mind tha
Post by @apple.com>
that could ever be the last goodbye." He added, "Th
thought of that phon
Post by @apple.com>
call-that your child is the victim of a mass shooting-is beyon
comprehension as a human being.
"I'm so deeply sad for the families of these children, th
trauma of th
Post by @apple.com>
survivors and for the future these kids will never see," th
English nativ
Post by @apple.com>
further lamented. He went on to share his heartbreaking frustratio
Post by @apple.com>
"the number of people who must think this is an OK byproduc
to never mak
Post by @apple.com>
meaningful changes to gun laws," adding, "It doesn't mak
sense to me. I
Post by @apple.com>
doesn't reflect the country that I think America is.
Reflecting on the U.S.'s strengths, the 43-year-old comedia
Post by @apple.com>
that U.S. is "on the forefront of medicine, of technology, o
Post by @apple.com>
Unfortunately, when it comes to the issue of gun violence, he sai
Post by @apple.com>
is one of the most backward places in the world.
"This year, there have been no school shootings in England
This year
Post by @apple.com>
there have been no school shootings in Japan," th
actor/singer continued
Post by @apple.com>
"This year, there have been 27 school shootings in America an
212 mas
Post by @apple.com>
shootings and we are just five months into the year.
"Words of thoughts and prayers will come from our leaders, bu
I fea
Post by @apple.com>
change never will," he concluded his speech. "I hold ou
hope that thi
Post by @apple.com>
country will eventually wake up and change this senseless gu
Post by @apple.com>
while my heart simply goes out to every single person in Texa
Post by @apple.com>
As for Stephen, he delivered his own emotinal monologue o
"The Late Sho
Post by @apple.com>
with Stephen Colbert". He stated, "We learned of a
unspeakable shooting i
Post by @apple.com>
Uvalde, Texas today. And while we can add our prayers for th
dead... Ther
Post by @apple.com>
is nothing that can ever be said that can approach the immeasurabl
Post by @apple.com>
of those families. But, while we're at it, let's pray this tim
that ou
Post by @apple.com>
leaders show a modicum of courage in trying to prevent this fro
Post by @apple.com>
happening again.
Stressing that "prayers won't end this," the 58-year-ol
pointed out
Post by @apple.com>
"Voting might so." He further elaborated, "When yo
vote, ask yourself thi
Post by @apple.com>
question: 'Who, running for office, has publicly stated tha
Post by @apple.com>
willing to do anything and everything in their power to protec
Post by @apple.com>
children from the criminally insane number of guns in America?
The reality is that a lot of people in the USA ar
traumatized by many things and nobody is giving a damn or doin
anything about it. The first thing we need to do is out reach to ou
fellow men. I mean the guys who have been through a lot enough t
contemplate suicide for their actions, to the guys who are in home
where their abilities are stunted and neglected, and even the homeles
and mentally disabled going through hell.

Nobody reached out to that kid, and nobody is going to reach out t
the next.

The ultimate problem is money. Is when you go for a simple job that
14yo could legally do and you get rejected
Your brain will say why? Race? Religion? Republic ( culture ) ?
Then you broadcast hate to your children and they go to school an
target the next person who your parent described

Where did all of these gun crazy people come from

Why can't I get a job that some weed smelling tattoo freak is able t


Why is CEO of Amazon attacking Conan The Barbarian ? Because it doe
not fit the feminist standard of crap.

Take "War Of the Worlds"?

Black dog robot sticks out it's cock gun girl scream kidnaps pregnant
women removes fetus Sums up the entire WOW TV Netflix series.

This is a response to the post seen at:
