Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail
(too old to reply)
2012-12-02 22:51:25 UTC
I don't know how many people here use Register.com for their e-mail but
incase someone else uses Register.com for e-mail I decided I'd let people
know how Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail.

To start with: Advantages of IMAP over POP:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Message_Access_Protocol#Advantages_over_POPFYI if you use gmail you can set it up to use IMAP folders. See: http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=77695BTW a long time ago if you ordered a domain name through register.com theywould give you a free e-mail address with it. :-) Since then Register.comupgraded their e-mail to IMAP but the latest change by Register.com to theire-mail deviates from IMAP e-mail.To make a long story short Register.com moved all their IMAP folders exceptthe "Inbox" folder into the "Inbox" folder meaning there is no longer a"Sent Items" folder since it was moved to "Inbox\Sent Items."When Register.com made their change to their IMAP folders they preventedOutlook Express and Windows Mobile 6 from transferring the sent e-mail intothe "Sent Items" folder on the e-mail server since that folder no longerexist and can not be created either.I don't know if Register.com is going to put things back the way they wereor just say people using Outlook Express or Windows Mobile 6 devices are outof luck.I have asked Register.com to e-mail me letting me know what they decide todo with their IMAP folders or should I call them the Register.com funky IMAPfolders. I'll keep you posted.Rocky
2012-12-02 23:07:14 UTC
I don't know how many people here use Register.com for their e-mail but
incase someone else uses Register.com for e-mail I decided I'd let people
know how Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail.
BTW a long time ago if you ordered a domain name through register.com they
would give you a free e-mail address with it. :-) Since then Register.com
upgraded their e-mail to IMAP but the latest change by Register.com to their
e-mail deviates from IMAP e-mail.

To make a long story short Register.com moved all their IMAP folders except
the "Inbox" folder into the "Inbox" folder meaning there is no longer a"
Sent Items" folder since it was moved to "Inbox\Sent Items."

When Register.com made their change to their IMAP folders they prevented
Outlook Express and Windows Mobile 6 devices from transferring the sent
e-mail into the "Sent Items" folder on the e-mail server since that folder
no longer exist and can not be re-created either.

I don't know if Register.com is going to put things back the way they were
or just say people using Outlook Express or Windows Mobile 6 devices are out
of luck.

I have asked Register.com to e-mail me letting me know what they decide to
do with their IMAP folders or should I call them the Register.com funky IMAP
folders. I'll keep you posted.

2012-12-03 00:55:03 UTC
Post by Rocky
I don't know how many people here use Register.com for their e-mail but
incase someone else uses Register.com for e-mail I decided I'd let people
know how Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail.
BTW a long time ago if you ordered a domain name through register.com they
would give you a free e-mail address with it. :-) Since then
Register.com upgraded their e-mail to IMAP but the latest change by
Register.com to their e-mail deviates from IMAP e-mail.
To make a long story short Register.com moved all their IMAP folders
except the "Inbox" folder into the "Inbox" folder meaning there is no
longer a" Sent Items" folder since it was moved to "Inbox\Sent Items."
When Register.com made their change to their IMAP folders they prevented
Outlook Express and Windows Mobile 6 devices from transferring the sent
e-mail into the "Sent Items" folder on the e-mail server since that folder
no longer exist and can not be re-created either.
I don't know if Register.com is going to put things back the way they were
or just say people using Outlook Express or Windows Mobile 6 devices are
out of luck.
I have asked Register.com to e-mail me letting me know what they decide to
do with their IMAP folders or should I call them the Register.com funky
IMAP folders. I'll keep you posted.
After thinking about it I realized the "Draft" folder can not be a sub
folder either so Register.com should put that IMAP folder back too.

Plus I went to the Register.com WEB mail access and there is no way to sort
by size meaning Register.com does not give anybody an easy way to delete
messages that are over 500k.

The worst part is I've been happy with Register.com until all this resent bs
with their new IMAP e-mail because it was as if there was no real testing
with new e-mail before it was pushed onto the customers.

BTW in an e-mail we were sent it was stated:
Once your account is converted to our new professional email solution, you
will benefit from:

Improved reliability
Simplified look and feel
Easy web access and
no changes for POP and IMAP users.

But there are changes for IMAP users so the last line above was a lie.

One more bitch. Register.com claimed the reason I couldn't receive any
e-mail for one of my accounts was the MX record was messed up and they had
to remove a setting I added. But I didn't change the primary MX record I
only added another MX record and Register.com lets you add another MX

Strange that people at Register.com do not know you can have multiple MX
records for the same domain name. Plus it would have been nice if
Register.com could have told me what they thought was wrong first instead of
just messing with my account since it had worked for years the way I had it.

2012-12-03 04:39:42 UTC
Post by Rocky
I don't know how many people here use Register.com for their e-mail but
incase someone else uses Register.com for e-mail I decided I'd let people
know how Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail.
<snipped problem description>

Did you tell Register.com about their IMAP problem? If you visit their
help pages, like http://tinyurl.com/cbp9ch7, you can click on No and get
a feedback dialog. You can also go to http://help.register.com/, click
on "Ask a Question", and send them a trouble report that way. Since you
have an account with them, you can login at their web site and there may
be more direct help contacts to where you can report the problem. No
one here can fix their servers. Or are you implying you did that
already and got no response after awhile, like waiting 3-4 business days
so you're publishing their problem here to notify what is probably a
small percentage of Register.com users that may happen to visit here?
2012-12-03 05:50:16 UTC
Post by VanguardLH
Post by Rocky
I don't know how many people here use Register.com for their e-mail but
incase someone else uses Register.com for e-mail I decided I'd let people
know how Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail.
<snipped problem description>
You also snipped information about IMAP and how to configure GMAIL to use
Post by VanguardLH
Did you tell Register.com about their IMAP problem?
I've called Register.com twice about this already. Once to complain about
things not working the same with OE and then I called back to add they do
not work the same with Windows Mobile 6 either.
Post by VanguardLH
If you visit their
help pages, like http://tinyurl.com/cbp9ch7, you can click on No and get
a feedback dialog. You can also go to http://help.register.com/, click
on "Ask a Question", and send them a trouble report that way.
Did that too and they claim I can update my question by logging into my
account but I have not seen that yet.
Post by VanguardLH
Since you
have an account with them, you can login at their web site and there may
be more direct help contacts to where you can report the problem. No
one here can fix their servers.
Yes I know that but what blows my mind is they have had their new "Business
e-mail" going since 9/25/12 and yet they make it look like I've been the
very first person to bitch about problems with them moving IMAP folders
Post by VanguardLH
Or are you implying you did that
already and got no response after awhile, like waiting 3-4 business days
so you're publishing their problem here to notify what is probably a
small percentage of Register.com users that may happen to visit here?
Do not forget that sometimes post will end up in search engines and I hope
it does but then again post don't seem to stay in search engines very long.
Post by VanguardLH
but I can't figure out how to specify "Inbox/Sent Items" or "Inbox\Sent
Items" since Outlook Express will not allow the '\' or the '/' characters.

BTW I just called Register.com a third time and was told that the people
working on their e-mail will be in at 8am Eastern Time so I'll call back
after that.

I wouldn't be so mad about this but I wish they had let me see what they
claimed was wrong with my account before they made changes to it because
chances are they were barking up the wrong tree.

2012-12-03 08:11:23 UTC
"VanguardLH" wrote ...
Post by VanguardLH
Post by Rocky
I don't know how many people here use Register.com for their e-mail
but incase someone else uses Register.com for e-mail I decided I'd
let people know how Register.com screwed up their IMAP e-mail.
<snipped problem description>
You also snipped information about IMAP and how to configure GMAIL to
<again, snipped the quoted content irrelevant for context>

I learned long ago to trim quoted content to provide only sufficient
context for a reply, not to bloat a reply by quoting everything. Trim,
review, post. My reply addressed if you had told Register.com about the
problem, not tangential topics of Gmail setup or how to obtain e-mail
accounts at Register.com. "Learn to snip" is an old adage here.
Post by VanguardLH
Since you have an account with them, you can login at their web site
and there may be more direct help contacts to where you can report
the problem. No one here can fix their servers.
Yes I know that but what blows my mind is they have had their new
"Business e-mail" going since 9/25/12 and yet they make it look like
I've been the very first person to bitch about problems with them
moving IMAP folders around.
I'm curious. How did "they make it look" like you were the first to
report the problem? The 1st-level techs taking trouble reports rarely
know how their services are setup, maintained, or used. By the time it
becomes a known problem then it gets added to their lookup scriptbase.

I've had a fire alarm get everyone to run outside an apartment complex,
I ask if anyone called the fire dept, no one said they did, so I had to
run back in to get a cordless phone. The figured someone already did
it. Same for when there are power outages. Another time there were a
bunch of students sitting around a classroom door thinking it was
locked. I walked up, pulled on the door, went in and everyone else
followed. Turns out the first student there choose to sit on the floor
to do some homework for whatever reason he had for not going in to sit
at a desk, and all the other students that showed up figured he didn't
go in because the door was locked. Just because to whomever you spoke
say they didn't before hear about the problem only means they don't
remember, it was presented differently to them, didn't get added to
their canned scripts for responses to look up, or someone else has been
getting those calls. Plus business-class users might have better avenue
for contacts to the company than for users that merely paid for a domain
lease from them.

My guess is that most personal-use domain registrants aren't employing
e-mail services at Register.com or they're using POP. Take pride in
that you got to first report the problem to them. Think of it as you
called the fire dept when no one else did or you were smart enough to
open the door when others just let it ride.
Do not forget that sometimes post will end up in search engines and I
hope it does but then again post don't seem to stay in search engines
very long.
Seems that would present info that was stale to anyone looking for
problems with their e-mail service *if*, as you said, it shouldn't work
that way and they get it fixed in a short time. It'll be a one-time
blip on the radar screen.
Post by VanguardLH
but I can't figure out how to specify "Inbox/Sent Items" or
"Inbox\Sent Items" since Outlook Express will not allow the '\' or
the '/' characters.
The slash character is representing a child folder; i.e., there's a
hierarchy. In the example from the above article, sent-mail is a root
level folder, not a child or 2nd-level folder.

I haven't bothered with IMAP (in any e-mail client) for awhile or for
sporatic trials. As I recall, if the IMAP handshaking by the IMAP
client can't find the default folder set up on the server, you had to
use the trick of specifying the root (container) under which were found
the default and user-defined folders. For Gmail, I remember having to
add [Gmail] in front of the default folders to find them and when
subscribing to user-defined folders. Elsewhere, I think the trick is
you use [root], and in [root]/Inbox and [root]/Inbox-CompanyMails.
Since I haven't used IMAP, I don't know if you can specify only first-
level folders (those under the root) or if you can specify subfolders in
a hierarchical tree to get at user-defined folders. If it were me, I'd
probably experiment with trying to subscribe to [root]/Inbox/Sent Items.
In some e-mail clients, like Outlook 2003/2007/2010, and after creating
the IMAP account, you go under its Advanced properties to define what is
the root folder; i.e., for Gmail and in the "Root folder path:" field,
you enter "[Gmail]".

http://www.howto-outlook.com/howto/gmailroot.htm might lead you on how
to specify a subfolder, like Inbox/Sent Items. That uses Gmail as an
example of how it uses tags for subfoldering that gets published to the
IMAP client on next sync.

Outlook lets you subscribe to non-default folders. You have it ask the
server to publish a list of folders and then you tell Outlook to
subscribe to the folders that you select:


Presumably the server would show "Inbox/Sent Items" as a folder to which
you could subscribe. The above article is for OL2010 but I remember
having to subscribe to user-defined folders back in OL2002. The
following article says how to do it in Outlook Express:


If you don't see the non-default (root-level) folders listed there then
my guess is the server is not publishing those in the list it gives to
your he client or you need to reset the list to get a later listing from
the server, especially if you add folders up on the server using their
webmail client.
I wouldn't be so mad about this but I wish they had let me see what
they claimed was wrong with my account before they made changes to it
because chances are they were barking up the wrong tree.
Now where would be the "fun" of computers if they never failed and the
humans controlling them didn't screw up occasionally? What, you haven't
thrown your laundry in the washer and later returned to find out all
your underwear turned pink because something bled in the wash? Shit
happens. Just hope it doesn't stick too long.
2012-12-03 15:02:28 UTC
Post by VanguardLH
"VanguardLH" wrote ...
Post by VanguardLH
I'm curious. How did "they make it look" like you were the first to
report the problem? The 1st-level techs taking trouble reports rarely
know how their services are setup, maintained, or used. By the time it
becomes a known problem then it gets added to their lookup scriptbase.
They act like this is a brand new issue and it appears that it is not a
"known problem" yet because I called them today right at 8 am Eastern Time
and after trying a few different things he told me he would escalate it and
that someone would get back to me.

What ticks me off is the person I spoke to setup my e-mail address on his
own computer and he could try things himself but he had me try them instead.
Why the hell should I be trying things when I could see plain as day that
nothing he sent ended up in my "Inbox\Sent Items" either.

But then again at least it was "escalated" after all the messing around with
things that did not work.
Post by VanguardLH
I've had a fire alarm get everyone to run outside an apartment complex,
< good points snipped >

But it seems to me Register.com was so worried about getting their "Webmail"
to work properly that they never tested their moved IMAP folders with
Outlook Express because that is where the problem shows up.
Post by VanguardLH
My guess is that most personal-use domain registrants aren't employing
e-mail services at Register.com or they're using POP. Take pride in
that you got to first report the problem to them. Think of it as you
called the fire dept when no one else did or you were smart enough to
open the door when others just let it ride.
Thanks and I just hope they can do something that fixes the issue even if
all they do is give me two different ways to access the exact same folder.
One from root and one from under the "Inbox."
Post by VanguardLH
Do not forget that sometimes post will end up in search engines and I
hope it does but then again post don't seem to stay in search engines
very long.
Seems that would present info that was stale to anyone looking for
problems with their e-mail service *if*, as you said, it shouldn't work
that way and they get it fixed in a short time. It'll be a one-time
blip on the radar screen.
True, but it also helps me let off steam.
Post by VanguardLH
Post by VanguardLH
but I can't figure out how to specify "Inbox/Sent Items" or
"Inbox\Sent Items" since Outlook Express will not allow the '\' or
the '/' characters.
The slash character is representing a child folder; i.e., there's a
hierarchy. In the example from the above article, sent-mail is a root
level folder, not a child or 2nd-level folder.
Yes, the problem is that "Sent Items" is now a 2nd-level folder under
"Inbox" and before Register.com moved the IMAP folders around everything
worked properly.
Post by VanguardLH
I haven't bothered with IMAP (in any e-mail client) for awhile or for
sporatic trials. As I recall, if the IMAP handshaking by the IMAP
client can't find the default folder set up on the server, you had to
use the trick of specifying the root (container) under which were found
the default and user-defined folders. For Gmail, I remember having to
add [Gmail] in front of the default folders to find them and when
subscribing to user-defined folders. Elsewhere, I think the trick is
you use [root], and in [root]/Inbox and [root]/Inbox-CompanyMails.
Since I haven't used IMAP, I don't know if you can specify only first-
level folders (those under the root) or if you can specify subfolders in
a hierarchical tree to get at user-defined folders. If it were me, I'd
probably experiment with trying to subscribe to [root]/Inbox/Sent Items.
In some e-mail clients, like Outlook 2003/2007/2010, and after creating
the IMAP account, you go under its Advanced properties to define what is
the root folder; i.e., for Gmail and in the "Root folder path:" field,
you enter "[Gmail]".
http://www.howto-outlook.com/howto/gmailroot.htm might lead you on how
to specify a subfolder, like Inbox/Sent Items. That uses Gmail as an
example of how it uses tags for subfoldering that gets published to the
IMAP client on next sync.
I see you noticed that site deals with all the versions of OUTLOOK from 2003
on and I only go up to OUTLOOK 2000. Besides I want things to work with
Outlook Express the way they used to work.
Post by VanguardLH
Outlook lets you subscribe to non-default folders. You have it ask the
server to publish a list of folders and then you tell Outlook to
Outlook Express let me subscribe to all the non-default folders too but
Outlook Express will not transfer sent e-mail into a 2nd level folder
automatically and Register.com should not have moved a folder I created into
a 2nd level where it caused me problems.
Post by VanguardLH
Presumably the server would show "Inbox/Sent Items" as a folder to which
you could subscribe. The above article is for OL2010 but I remember
having to subscribe to user-defined folders back in OL2002. The
I have no problem subscribing to the folders. The problem shows up when I
try to automatically transfer the sent e-mail into "Inbox\Sent Items" since
Outlook Express does not give me a way to access a 2nd level folder for
"Sent Items."

I hope to find out how Register.com is going to deal with the issue in a day
or two since they are supposed to call me back that soon. I would hope they
can put the folder I created back where it came from.
Post by VanguardLH
If you don't see the non-default (root-level) folders listed there then
my guess is the server is not publishing those in the list it gives to
your he client or you need to reset the list to get a later listing from
the server, especially if you add folders up on the server using their
webmail client.
I see all the folders on Outlook Express and every time the guy at
register.com tried to tell me "Sent" or "Sent Items" I had to remind him no
it is not "Sent" or "Sent Items" because it is now "Inbox\Sent" and
"Inbox\Sent Items" as proven by your webmail itself.
Post by VanguardLH
I wouldn't be so mad about this but I wish they had let me see what
they claimed was wrong with my account before they made changes to it
because chances are they were barking up the wrong tree.
Now where would be the "fun" of computers if they never failed and the
humans controlling them didn't screw up occasionally? What, you haven't
thrown your laundry in the washer and later returned to find out all
your underwear turned pink because something bled in the wash? Shit
happens. Just hope it doesn't stick too long.
Thanks and I know I'll hear from Register.com pretty soon but I also suspect
that they will claim the reason they call it "Business e-mail" is they don't
want people to use their "Business e-mail" with Windows Mobile 6 phones or
Outlook Express.

2012-12-03 15:51:35 UTC
Post by VanguardLH
"VanguardLH" wrote ...
The slash character is representing a child folder; i.e., there's a
hierarchy. In the example from the above article, sent-mail is a root
level folder, not a child or 2nd-level folder.
To make a long story short there is a way to change the root directory on
Outlook Express BUT now I have to find out how to get my cell phone to work
again because after I ran a test for Register.com it ran out of memory and
it hasn't booted since.

Tony Bosco
2022-09-15 21:49:16 UTC
Post by Rocky
Post by VanguardLH
"VanguardLH" wrote ...
The slash character is representing a child folder; i.e., there's a
hierarchy. In the example from the above article, sent-mail is a root
level folder, not a child or 2nd-level folder.
To make a long story short there is a way to change the root directory on
Outlook Express BUT now I have to find out how to get my cell phone to work
again because after I ran a test for Register.com it ran out of memory and
it hasn't booted since.
It's incredibly frustrating that there's no resolution to this. Been unable to use Outlook for my register.com email for about 2 months now.