Can this be true? ;>)
(too old to reply)
2009-07-27 20:29:34 UTC
nha wrote: (in 'alt.computer.security')

Enjoy! (at my expense!)
The following, although seemingly entered in what you believe to be
something you term Usenet, is only visible by "Boater Dave" and his
many aliases.
*This is everything that you'll be permitted to know about Mr. David
H. Lipman.*
Mr. David H. Lipman is a classified pseudonym given to a rather large
group of life forms. The entire present, known, living antimalware
section is known as "Dave" and is part of the overall secret
organization, possibly called "Them" or "They". The present section's
roster was recruited by several un-named intergalactic powers to fight
the never ending battle against malware and their ne'er do well
The section is seemingly located on a seaboard of a large earth
continent, but in fact merely cloaks one of its many ultra secret
portals to a vast hardened inter-dimensional underground bunker where
the "Dave" toils in the never ending battle against malware, while
maintaining some loose associations with JIC, GCHQ, NSA, Lekem, and
Good Guys without borders.
Although now known to many as the highly valued & secretive "Malware
Community", Dave agents have been recruited from many planets. Once
trained, and surgically modified, the highly coveted and experienced
Dave section members are highly compensated. Alas, once injected with
the mandatory mind control devices, a Dave can never safely return to
their home planets or families, but do enjoy limited inter-dimensional
time travel and reported shape shifting.
So we're sure you will understand that "few are called and fewer are
chosen". Therefore you must ever silently await your notification
while simultaneously divesting your long-term CONFIRMED membership
with the "Bad Guys". Future unauthorized posts as follows will render
your request for limited observer status, permanently null and void.
Inappropriate demands for posts
Any and all nym shifting
Communications & associations with any and all Bad Guys
Unauthorized & inappropriate identity demands
Misappropriating posts of others
Mental excursions from the real world
Leadership or member claims in Good Guys
Posting any full texts where URLs clearly exist
Other deviant behaviors and wrong doing as identified by Them
Beware! They have recorded your entire life and forever monitor you
through multiple body implants.
The Malware Community Cabal
David Brooks
2021-08-03 11:34:53 UTC
Nobody replied to me. :-(

Do YOU know who Lipman is?

Post by ~BD~
nha wrote: (in 'alt.computer.security')
Enjoy! (at my expense!)
The following, although seemingly entered in what you believe to be
something you term Usenet, is only visible by "Boater Dave" and his
many aliases.
*This is everything that you'll be permitted to know about Mr. David
H. Lipman.*
Mr. David H. Lipman is a classified pseudonym given to a rather large
group of life forms. The entire present, known, living antimalware
section is known as "Dave" and is part of the overall secret
organization, possibly called "Them" or "They". The present section's
roster was recruited by several un-named intergalactic powers to fight
the never ending battle against malware and their ne'er do well
The section is seemingly located on a seaboard of a large earth
continent, but in fact merely cloaks one of its many ultra secret
portals to a vast hardened inter-dimensional underground bunker where
the "Dave" toils in the never ending battle against malware, while
maintaining some loose associations with JIC, GCHQ, NSA, Lekem, and
Good Guys without borders.
Although now known to many as the highly valued & secretive "Malware
Community", Dave agents have been recruited from many planets. Once
trained, and surgically modified, the highly coveted and experienced
Dave section members are highly compensated. Alas, once injected with
the mandatory mind control devices, a Dave can never safely return to
their home planets or families, but do enjoy limited inter-dimensional
time travel and reported shape shifting.
So we're sure you will understand that "few are called and fewer are
chosen". Therefore you must ever silently await your notification
while simultaneously divesting your long-term CONFIRMED membership
with the "Bad Guys". Future unauthorized posts as follows will render
your request for limited observer status, permanently null and void.
Inappropriate demands for posts
Any and all nym shifting
Communications & associations with any and all Bad Guys
Unauthorized & inappropriate identity demands
Misappropriating posts of others
Mental excursions from the real world
Leadership or member claims in Good Guys
Posting any full texts where URLs clearly exist
Other deviant behaviors and wrong doing as identified by Them
Beware! They have recorded your entire life and forever monitor you
through multiple body implants.
The Malware Community Cabal