2017-11-24 15:08:49 UTC
Amrikkka's Ajit Pie is a wahahahahanker
The internet is full of tubes and he wants to block
the bittorrent tube.
Oh what a facking thick git!!
Where do these fscking Amrikkkan retards get their eduction from?
From passing trolls?
Bittorrent cannot be blocked no more than ssh over port 80 can be blocked.
These fskcing Amrikkkan wahahahankers need basic eduction to spill chick
their policies before going pubic with such obscene illiterate policies.
The internet is full of tubes and he wants to block
the bittorrent tube.
Oh what a facking thick git!!
Where do these fscking Amrikkkan retards get their eduction from?
From passing trolls?
Bittorrent cannot be blocked no more than ssh over port 80 can be blocked.
These fskcing Amrikkkan wahahahankers need basic eduction to spill chick
their policies before going pubic with such obscene illiterate policies.