(too old to reply)
2024-03-09 11:04:56 UTC
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
2024-03-10 17:00:09 UTC
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.

`-'\ `--.___,
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2024-03-19 18:54:55 UTC
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
David LaRue
2024-03-19 22:01:59 UTC
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
Everybody is content with their system. Few problems get reported.
2024-03-22 12:04:59 UTC
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
Gone are the days of Kadaitcher Man and Blinky, especially Blinky.

2024-03-24 08:45:10 UTC
Post by Spud
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
Gone are the days of Kadaitcher Man and Blinky, especially Blinky.
Kadaitcha Man was still posting on a Linux Mint help site a few years
ago. I PM'ed him once in that group and we each ribbed each other about
our time spent here.


At the above link, he was still posting under his moniker of Kadaitcha
Man, before changing it to Moonstone, and making his last post in 2021.

Rhonda Lea Kirk Fries is still around here:


I'm not sure about Mike Easter.

There were so many more that I can't remember right now because of the way
it all just ended so suddenly and then no more contact was made between
any of the old posters, afaik.
2024-03-24 21:32:07 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
Post by Spud
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
Gone are the days of Kadaitcher Man and Blinky, especially Blinky.
Kadaitcha Man was still posting on a Linux Mint help site a few years
ago. I PM'ed him once in that group and we each ribbed each other about
our time spent here.
At the above link, he was still posting under his moniker of Kadaitcha
Man, before changing it to Moonstone, and making his last post in 2021.
I'm not sure about Mike Easter.
There were so many more that I can't remember right now because of the way
it all just ended so suddenly and then no more contact was made between
any of the old posters, afaik.
Why and when did it end that suddenly?
2024-03-25 05:55:25 UTC
Post by kyonshi
Why and when did it end that suddenly?
The Internet killed Usenet.

Once the ways of communicating with other that are prevalent today became
established, Usenet was not long for the world.

David LaRue
2024-03-25 08:30:11 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
Post by kyonshi
Why and when did it end that suddenly?
The Internet killed Usenet.
Once the ways of communicating with other that are prevalent today became
established, Usenet was not long for the world.
USENET is still hard to control by the governments so they made up lies and
tried to kill all the servers.

I've been here nearly 35 years or so.

Internet did not kill it, Web and the fancier interfaces allowed children to
move to more fertile ground - so they thought, allowing those of us staying
behind to enjoy some peace and contemplate thoase that have moved on or gone
beyond the rim.
2024-03-25 22:16:35 UTC
Post by David LaRue
USENET is still hard to control by the governments so they made up lies
and tried to kill all the servers.
I've been here nearly 35 years or so.
Internet did not kill it, Web and the fancier interfaces allowed
children to move to more fertile ground - so they thought, allowing
those of us staying behind to enjoy some peace and contemplate thoase
that have moved on or gone beyond the rim.
That's basically what I said, David. The Internet, which includes social
media, forums, blogs, etc... are what siphoned off a great majority of the
users of Usenet.

It's nice to see an old-time Usenet poster still hanging around. I've
been a poster in various groups, including this one, since 1995. I suppose
I was in one of the waves of the Eternal September hordes that horrified
the guys that started posting in the 80's.
2024-03-28 10:18:30 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
Post by David LaRue
USENET is still hard to control by the governments so they made up lies
and tried to kill all the servers.
I've been here nearly 35 years or so.
Internet did not kill it, Web and the fancier interfaces allowed
children to move to more fertile ground - so they thought, allowing
those of us staying behind to enjoy some peace and contemplate thoase
that have moved on or gone beyond the rim.
That's basically what I said, David. The Internet, which includes social
media, forums, blogs, etc... are what siphoned off a great majority of the
users of Usenet.
It's nice to see an old-time Usenet poster still hanging around. I've
been a poster in various groups, including this one, since 1995. I suppose
I was in one of the waves of the Eternal September hordes that horrified
the guys that started posting in the 80's.
I guess the nitpicky thing would be to point out it was the web and not
the internet that killed it.
2024-03-28 10:19:51 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
Post by kyonshi
Why and when did it end that suddenly?
The Internet killed Usenet.
Once the ways of communicating with other that are prevalent today became
established, Usenet was not long for the world.
I assumed it was later. I remember the Usenet holding on for at least
ten years after the web became a thing.
2024-04-06 22:57:45 UTC
Post by David LaRue
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
Everybody is content with their system. Few problems get reported.
Is this just for technical problems or for all kind of stuff?
David LaRue
2024-04-07 02:15:49 UTC
Post by Kyonshi
Post by David LaRue
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
Everybody is content with their system. Few problems get reported.
Is this just for technical problems or for all kind of stuff?
IMHO this is a catch-all group for problems that don't seem to have a group
to belong to. For instance there are various OS and computer language groups
but something like a technical issue that doesn't fit elsewhere might be
solved by the people that monitor this group.

There aren't as many posts as there were in past years but there are probably
some people that still monitor the group for activity. Whether or not any of
them can help a poster is pretty much luck of the draw now. It can be a
place to start looking for solutions to your problems.
2024-04-08 07:50:35 UTC
Post by David LaRue
IMHO this is a catch-all group for problems that don't seem to have a group
to belong to. For instance there are various OS and computer language groups
but something like a technical issue that doesn't fit elsewhere might be
solved by the people that monitor this group.
There aren't as many posts as there were in past years but there are probably
some people that still monitor the group for activity. Whether or not any of
them can help a poster is pretty much luck of the draw now. It can be a
place to start looking for solutions to your problems.
Well, I recently started looking at it. Don't know if I can help much,
but I think at least some stuff might be possible. So lets see.

2024-03-19 22:21:40 UTC
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
2024-03-21 19:16:14 UTC
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
that's why I am asking
2024-03-21 20:11:42 UTC
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I *assumed* it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
that's why I am asking
But you HAD assumed!

Tell me about yourself, poster Kyonshi.
2024-03-21 21:25:42 UTC
Post by David.B(ES)
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I *assumed* it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
that's why I am asking
But you HAD assumed!
Tell me about yourself, poster Kyonshi.
yeah but I checked by asking.
always check your assumptions is my motto.
it often turns out stuff changed and you never noticed.

actually it's not my motto. I never got around thinking about one.
How about you? any mottos?
2024-03-21 10:58:47 UTC
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
Nah, it was pretty much so people (not tied to any particular company)
could attempt to help others with problems.

Person A would post a problem and what theyd tried Person B would
comment what had worked for them (unless they were "Kadiatcha man" all
he used to do was take the mickey out of anyone who didn't know
everything. I thought at first he was just a misanthrope but he seemed
to despair at people who hadn't done even a general search of Wiki etc.).
2024-03-23 14:15:29 UTC
Post by Soup
Post by kyonshi
Post by Justisaur
Post by Soup
Very quiet in here.
I remember when it was like a wee fair in here .
24 hour just succumbing to the general malaise that is striking Usenet?
There hasn't really been much in this newsgroup for a long long time.
huh, wait, what is this newsgroup actually for? I assumed it was some
abandoned group some company created in the old days
Nah, it was pretty much so people (not tied to any particular company)
could attempt to help others with problems.
   Person A would post a problem and what theyd tried  Person B would
comment what had worked for them (unless they were "Kadiatcha man" all
he used to do was take the mickey out of anyone who didn't know
everything.  I thought at first he was just a misanthrope but he seemed
to despair at people who hadn't done even a general search of Wiki etc.).
It all sounds like a pretty useful group altogether
2024-03-24 08:51:07 UTC
Post by kyonshi
It all sounds like a pretty useful group altogether
I was very active and very entertaining. There were experts here who
could answer basically any computer related question if you could get them
to talk.

There were also experts here who could answer any question and flame you
into a pit of fire that may last for days or weeks.

Flaming was part of the fun here; it was the old days when flaming was an
art form.

There were also a lot of people here who just came for the show.
2024-03-25 04:21:28 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
I was very active and very entertaining.
It. It was very active.
2024-03-28 10:19:05 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
Post by CtrlAltDel
I was very active and very entertaining.
It. It was very active.
Ah, so you aren't entertaining and never were? :P
2024-04-07 18:26:19 UTC
Post by CtrlAltDel
Post by kyonshi
It all sounds like a pretty useful group altogether
I was very active and very entertaining. There were experts here who
could answer basically any computer related question if you could get them
to talk.
There were also experts here who could answer any question and flame you
into a pit of fire that may last for days or weeks.
Flaming was part of the fun here; it was the old days when flaming was an
art form.
There were also a lot of people here who just came for the show.
Hi, Group.

I remember Usenet before 24hoursupport.helpdesk was made.
I think the name was chosen so that it would appear at the beginning
of the groups list, supplanting the incumbent 'first on the list' group.
Being in first position made it the first port of call for brand new,
never been flamed before, newbies.

Some people were here to help the newbies, others to mock them.
It was a place where, among other things, you learned the importance
of asbestos underwear.
^Ï^. Sn!pe, PA, FIBS - Professional Crastinator

My pet rock Gordon just is.