Post by David LaRuePost by Richard OwlettYes media players like Audacious and VLC *can* play lectures but *their*
purpose is music.
I'm looking for a Linux package whose purpose listening to lectures.
Use whatever works for you. It sounds like the lectures you want to listen
to have only audio content, so you just want an audio player with the options
you want. The sme would go for any multi-media files.
Why would music differ from a lecture audio file? Audio players adapt to the
files that are given them.
A simple search on audio players in linux should help you choose applications
on your platform to try out.
No. You're not even making an "apples to oranges" comparison. It more
like an "apples to Sherman tank" comparison.
MP3 appear focused on a couple of hours of listening to musical pieces a
few minutes long by perhaps several artists.
I currently have a set of seven lectures on one general topic which last
approximately nine hours. As the purpose of these lectures is to convey
knowledge I'd like to be able to take notes with automatically generated
time stamps so I could go back to the same point of that lecture for
review/clarification. I've some general ideas on how VLC could be
*coerced* to provide that. BUT it wasn't intended to do so.
I'm looking for an mp3 player intended to convey information not
background entertainment.