Dealing with SPAM
(too old to reply)
Anton Shepelev
2023-10-05 17:57:27 UTC
Usenet is going throught a surge of SPAM postings. The maintainer of the
the Eternal-September Usenet server wrote:

,---- <***@raybanana.net>
| Currently, I'm running all articles originating from GG
| through a SpamAssassin server with a Usenet-specific
| ruleset and reject all articles marked as spam.
| [...]
| The rejected articles are sent to a batcher that creates
| NoCeM messages for the rejected articles and posts them to
| news.lists.filters, so other newsservers can use them to
| clean up their own servers.

Other servers are welcome to join in this noble effort, or at
least honor the said NoCeM's.
2023-12-15 21:32:21 UTC
Post by Anton Shepelev
Usenet is going throught a surge of SPAM postings. The maintainer of the
| Currently, I'm running all articles originating from GG
| through a SpamAssassin server with a Usenet-specific
| ruleset and reject all articles marked as spam.
| [...]
| The rejected articles are sent to a batcher that creates
| NoCeM messages for the rejected articles and posts them to
| news.lists.filters, so other newsservers can use them to
| clean up their own servers.
Other servers are welcome to join in this noble effort, or at
least honor the said NoCeM's.
Nice, I was wondering why I wasn't seeing as much spam on eternal
september as GG.

- Justisaur
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